The Rooster Tails Fishing Club organizes special Adventure Travel trips to various parts of the Northwest, Alaska, and other locations unlike local club organized fish and camp rallies. These extended Adventure Travel trips may involve distant travel by air or by vehicle. These special events involve camping in conjunction with fishing. Some travel destinations allow for members to do so by recreation vehicle or by the use of tents. Members that choose not to camp or do not own a RV can participate by staying at accommodations located on or near the campground and fishing site.





The Adventure Travel chairman coordinates participants, negotiates available discounts, provides brochures, and researches area attractions for those that choose not to fish. For Rooster Tail Members 18 years old or older that desire to participate in Adventure Travel, must have a liability waiver on file with the club. The club does not provide insurance for vehicles, their occupants, in transit to or from the Adventure Travel destination locations.